Tuesday, 18 October 2016

LYRICS: Medikal - Bo Me Din Mame

  @KofiKoala       Tuesday, 18 October 2016
LYRICS: Medikal - Bo Me Din Mame

Artiste: Medikal
Song Lyrics: Bo Me Din Mame

dedicated to everybody

[1st verse]
Obituary poster biaa me din amma so
Me gya me biscuit ho no yankaso
Kwan bכne dea woyi papa nie fa so
Agoro ne fכm atכpa na εkכ mpaso
Me ntwa so
Mebεwe mo tesε pinkaso
Wo claim yooyoo nanso wo daso ne wo maame na εte
εnε wose w'abaso
Migrate rekכ na w'adi Burkina Faso
Ama, let you know say I be the real
Ama you be vegetarian but today chew meat
gye award, you dey want kicks and hats, g-strings at the that same time , you be KillBeatz?
That be just by the way like a pedestrian
Spread the night you know say I be christian
I no go rush you, touch you anything about you
For your head abck you go diss me and
talk say I be the don
Noor I be the don
Never start what you go fit shun
you sef you go run
me pεdε metumi ma wo son
na I wan make you born
na y'ato ne din Junior Medikal Frimpong

Aaaahhh εyε yεn na yε wכ so
nti joo, bכ me din ma me   --MDK
Me se yasei babiaa
Berry, bכ me din ma me    --MDK
To all the boys boys and the girls girls
Assey bכ me din ma me   --MDK
Kכ w'akyi na bכ me din ma me   --MDK
b) me din ma me

[2nd verse]
So many women but I wanna marry Joana
Yεkye ghetto youth with a marijuana a
Dem dey treat am like he kidnapp kidies shoot two police officers for Koala
Nanso yεpε peace kεkε
W'anyε bכne biaa כkכ twe piece bi pε
school bie door nso so keys no kyε ansa na abεtכ yεnsεm
Yεpε beans no pε
Fa rules no tε
Atekateka Maabena bra yεnbu atopa
Woyε bככlεε a, aha yε free zone, ma emb3 ko ntכkwa
bכ me din ma me  

[chorus] 2x

forget evrybody w'ate
Ehhh, Kwame Se**** in the building
Flowdelly εnnum coke no nyinaa w'ate
****** dεn na εkכ?
Unkle B on the PC
I will give shout out like 30
Tuition, what dey happen?
KNUST, Legon w'ate
C Poly
T Poly
another rap
Central centralfoכ dεn na εkכ?
forget everybody w'ate
chaley Tina I just dey the mood
AMG baby
oh central centralfoכ
M'abכ a m'asan abכ
Legon what's up?
UCC ermm
Accra Poly
Ermm Meridian
forget everybody w'ate
me se forget everybody w'ate
chaley ma wie
dεn na εkכ?
dεn na εkכ?

Medikal Bo Me Din Mame lyrics

Thanks for reading LYRICS: Medikal - Bo Me Din Mame
