Wednesday, 23 October 2013

[Lyrics] Guru - Boys Abre (Feat. Lil Shaker)

  adaawa       Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Artist : Guru Feat. Lil Shaker
Song Lyrics : Boys Abre

   INTRO (Guru)
mo ma y3n ka na boys abre
aaah hey,NKZ NKZ
mo ma y3n ka na boys abre
i see you baby ahhh
mo feely me rhymes

   HOOK (Guru)
hw3 everyday bia i dey pray to God,boys abre
all that i need be what to chop,boys abre
i dey run things to hold the line,boys abre
this be the love i wont for life,boys abre (2x)

   VERSE 1 (Guru)
s3 mo min s33 man k) school
mene certificate kraa tu prove
nti m3y3 mi d3n ghetto youth
afei kraa no me searchy mi step to choose
afei na ma makey me life Kwame Despite
totobi nkwai kraa 3ne size
wa ywe aky3 3si d3n kraa 3nya wife
Tema girl bia su p3 X5
zongo girl bia h) p3 deebee
ma k) hy3 fa brone di3 anka wo di me kye
Trassaco boys nu 3twia nti
wo deme ak) gyena Mall ama me list
wo hu Majid nu wo 3gya me h) 3k) takey pic
wo afa me s33 eebia ma gyeme
me na m3 nya me sika me nim nia m3 y3
nama fa wo s3 wo y3 me chick
me san me kyi ak) fa me girl na mene nu wo hood
ne ne si ahyi kraa h) tumi mame kiss
me maame t)n edwame nti 3bru anagu nu
h) tumi sisa bi mame ywe kraa 3nya fit,NKZ

   HOOK (Guru)
everyday bia i dey pray to God,boys abre
all that i need be what to chop,boys abre
i dey run things to hold the line,boys abre
this be the love i wont for life,boys abre (2x)

   BRIDGE (Lil Shaker)
from morning tee to gb3k3 tee we dey,hassle
we just dey try survive
you for dey sharping your eye for this world oo we,hassle
if you wanna stay alive
we no dey bed money we dey search
that for tell you say,boys abre
before we for tell you say,boys abre
i dey tell you say,boys abre

   HOOK (Guru)
everyday bia i dey pray to God,boys abre
all that i need be what to chop,boys abre
i dey run things to hold the line,boys abre
this be the love i wont for life,boys abre (2x)

   VERSE 2 (Guru)
s3 mo min s33 man k) school
mene cetifical kraa tu prove
nti m3y3 mi d3n ghetto youth
afei kraa no me searchy mi step to choose
afei na ma makey me life Kwame Despite
totobi nkwai kraa 3ne size
wa ywe aky3 3si d3n kraa 3nya wife
Tema girl bia su p3 X5
wo di3 wo p3a fame k) ma tigari
fis3 odoa mede do wo nu di3 beie kraa 3tumi ntu
s3 me hyw3 bebia me fri di ba di3
me kwan ne wa but wo y3 me d3n kraa mpo obaapa min wu
me me si woa u dey bee
wo di3 think of adabra mene wo na me nne nywen
nti me tumi k) gye buswia kraa k) booku tea
nansu poverty be decease,how i go bit achieve

   HOOK (Guru)
everyday bia i dey pray to God,boys abre
all that i need by just a love,boys abre
i dey run things to hold the line,boys abre
this be the love i wont for life,boys abre (2x)

   BRIDGE (Lil Shaker)
from morning tee to gb3k3 tee we dey,hassle
we just dey try suvive
you for dey sharping your eye for this world oo we,hassle
if you wanna stay alive
we no dey bed money we dey search
that for tell you say,boys abre
before we for tell you say,boys abre
i dey tell you say,boys abre

   HOOK (Guru)
everyday bia i dey pray to God,boys abre
all that i need be what to chop,boys abre
i dey run things to hold the line,boys abre
this be the love i wont for life,boys abre (2x)



Hope you did not miss these lyrics too.....

[Lyrics] D2 - Fever (Feat. Shatta Wale)
[Lyrics] Castro - She Dey Do Me
[Lyrics] IWAN - Omega Rise (Feat. Kesse)
[Lyrics] R2bees - Love


Thanks for reading [Lyrics] Guru - Boys Abre (Feat. Lil Shaker)

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