Sunday 16 October 2016

LYRICS: Kobi Rana - Sick ft Strongman N Teephlow

  @KofiKoala       Sunday 16 October 2016
LYRICS: Kobi Rana - Sick ft Strongman N Teephlow
Artiste: Kobi Rana ft Strongman N Teephlow
Song Lyrics: Sick
Kobi Rana: Your body sick. Agyei
Teephlow: Ayε ready a?
Strongman: Na w'ate anaa?
Kobi Rana [chorus] Kobi Rana
Kwεεε your body sick
Kwεεε your backa thick 
Kwεεε your body sick Kwεεε your backa thick
Kwεεε Girl your body sick 
Kwεεε your backa thick
Kwεεε your body sick
Kwεεε your backa thick eee
Ayε ready a?
[Teephlow] VERSE 1 Tsei! Form a כte dεm no kyedε Ghana ha oo Ne backa bεkadε roundabout
M'ate dε onye ne boy waama down
ma siisea כdze nam no ma Rana, how?
Hwε ne hכ, bεtena ha? yεεpo do
Fa body no fa ma captain, yεwכ εpo do
Ma εpε no me dze bεma wo ate, soa me bo
Form bi dεm no na כma gangsters yεbobo
Eh? Papa εnte ase a?
Hwε ne hips no כtrε tedε car park 
Ei, nti body yi εbכhwε ma Temafo afa a?
No. כkyir do a yεbε kyε no half half 
Ne honam no yε soft kyen newspaper
Οyε alukumi so what? Me gyε anyua a?
Odress a na form no agyina agyina do,
nakoko bεkadε ostrich ne nkyεnfua
Let's go

CHECK THIS TOO: LYRICS: Stonebwoy - Problem

[kobi Rana]
I want you to be mine oh 
Baby you're so fine oh 
I want to cross you line
Cos your body be thick oh 


VERSE 2 [Kobi Rana]
Chaley check her shape From Kumasi to Cape E no be fake I never go forsake... Let the people hate Our love no go shake We go collaborate like Rihanna and Drake
VERSE 3 (strongman)
Οfrε me daddy nti deε כb3ka bia me tietie menko me shordy deε εku me ne n'aho siesie de ne ho sisesie kala yi mpiepie Bεhwε me paddies se mεnya wo deε mεwiewie M'ahoma teatea tie ne kasa, hwε n'ani
Deε כde ne nsa bεka wo no כde ne nsa awכ m'ani  
Ompε money money nti ne ho nyε m'ahi 
Ataa, me nko mehu w'anim a na m'ayi 
Paa εnyε lies o, body no yε thick 
Hwε shape ne ne height, neε εku me ne ne hips 
Odכ woyε ne gift sake of wonyε me ribs 
Korley Bu doctor bi de aaa body no yε sick
Hwε obaa ne n'afono 
Ne tirim wכ dwono Ne nyansa wכ soro  
nti me hu no a na m'ahono 
Deε כdeku me ne anadwo no 
Ne srε sε כsono 
Ne body ne mu eduru nti ahwineε no b) soro 
CHECK THIS TOO: LYRICS: Medikal - Time No Dey

Kobi Rana Sick ft Strongman N Teephlow lyrics

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