Wednesday, 20 August 2014

[Lyrics] Dadie Opanka - Ebola Freestyle

  adaawa       Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Artist : Dadie Opanka
Song Lyrics : Ebola Freestyle

   INTRO (Dadie Opanka)
wurem buem MA
tie,hw3 dadie Opanka
watch out for my new single brother
featuring Guru which drops on 15th August
Kina recordy me

   HOOK (Dadie Opanka)
ebola kye wo a wo wu realy quick,quick
real quick,charle wo b3 wu real quick

   VERSE 1 RAP (Dadie Opanka)
yari3 ya tu ni din ebola
e get small name but e problems bola
one of the few things 3suro 3ni solar
3b3 tumi a capture wo hu empire tis3 Bola
Ray yari3 a 3sin s3 w'3nya accident
3tumi ma s3 wo w) h)a wo nya internal bleeding
yari3 f)n wo gyai ama adi kyi wo s3 s3i
my paddy take precaution that be what im pleading
titr3 ni mo a mo ywe mu anum
mo t) fufuo kitua tut) bush meat pii di gum
copied from lyricsinghdotcom
y3 na sisa sa life ansa na ab3 kum wo
wo di3 k)su di wo sika 3kye na wo gya na 3b3 kum wo
before yo go eat self pausey washy wo nsa

this sickness be sceary pass moster
k) Liberia k) hw3 3y3 constant
amafo) na yari3 nu akye )mu as) line tis3 contenstant
so me i be carefull from day one
ebola nti mentumi kyiya m3 ma wo keywa
w'dwen bone ma kyi wo soboya teewa
s3 anka wo de yari3 mu b3 sa me kyewa,shaaamee
wo p3s3 wo hu s3 obi w) sa yari3 aa
3nu di3 checky s3 nipa nu w) daharia
)fifi anaa s3 )w) tipaiy3 aa
na kuma,)bub) wa ana )w) fever
na s3 wo hu all this symptoms
masa b)m)bin nfa k) hospital nt3mt3m
avoidy contact with patient
na ni doctorsf0) kraa nu takey care
fis3 )mu mp3 as3
yari3 doctors bia tis3 kakamotobi
cover cover )mu faces ansa na )mu ab3 hw3 obi
doctor mpo loosey gurd a dead zombie
spread the word,wo believey mpo a wodi kakyir3 obi
ebola kye wo a wo wu realy quick
i'am hoping s3 by now di3 all the funs go rip it
so say everybody go see wey they go try privent am on time
before ego turn chaos like earthquick

   HOOK (Dadie Opanka)
ebola kye wo a wo wu realy quick,real quick
charlie real quick
ebola kye wo a wo wu realy quick
HIV AIDs mpo gyina nky3n real shit

   OUTRO (Dadie Opanka)
na wo tie a wo b3 tie
na fresh boys in the building
opanka army tie
so this is some free style for my homies
to avoid ebola
and i hope you are all ready for my new single
Brother featuring Guru
which drops on the 15th of August
a new banger new trand
for the clubs
na wo tie a wo b3 tie,Opanka Army
hw3 dadie opanka
its kina Gh
wo tie a wo b3 tie,let's have fun
but let's prevent ebola
wirem!! congratulations



Hope you did not miss these lyrics too.....

[Lyrics] Sarkodie - Inflation
[Lyrics] Cabum - Atigya ft. Yaa Pono
[Lyrics] Chase - Pull Me Down
[Lyrics] Eze - Number One ft. Abrewa Nana


Thanks for reading [Lyrics] Dadie Opanka - Ebola Freestyle

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